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1.0 Introduction

The African Women Fish Processors and Traders Network (AWFishNet) is a continental network with a presence in over 44 countries through which women share experiences, build the capacities of its members to adopt best practices, coordinate their activities, improve access of women’s fish products to local and regional markets, and advocate as one ‘One Voice’ for their equitable empowerment and leverage or highlight their critical role and contribution in the sector particularly in terms of food security and other national social and economic development indicators.

Tanzania Women Fish Workers Association (TAWFA), which is the Tanzania Chapter of AWFishNet, is implementing a project to support women’s livelihoods in the fish value chain. Its main objective is to empower a network of women who work in fish value chains in the regions of Kagera (Muleba District) and Mara (Musoma municipal), with the aim of enhancing their economic and nutritional outcomes and their capacity to provide for themselves and their families.

1.1 Project Focus

Women play a significant role in the fish sector across sub-Saharan Africa, which is one of the fastest-growing agricultural sub-sectors and remains an essential source of nutrition and micronutrients. The project will address crucial but often neglected group of agricultural producers – women processors and traders in fish value chains, particularly those who live in poverty or have low incomes and rely on fishing or farming for subsistence and livelihood. The specific objectives of the project are to increase women’s empowerment in fisheries; increase equitable consumption of safe, affordable, nutritious fish-rich diet year-round, and increase small scale fisheries income.


2.0 Objective of this consultancy

The main objective of this assignment is to conduct an in-depth value chain assessment on the involvement and performance of women small scale fisheries engaged in small scale production, processing, and trading in order to identify specific constraints to be addressed and to identify opportunities that can be leveraged through project interventions to increase production, income, employment, and consumption of nutrient-rich fish in the selected regions.


3.0 Scope of the Consultancy

The Consultancy assignment will involve analysis of the Dagaa value chain to assess the status of production, processing, and marketing of target fisheries value chain and the actors in each level of the chain. The value chain analysis will include a gender responsive needs assessment conducted through participatory approaches to understand the specific needs of women small-scale fish producers, processors, and traders and to enable the co-creation of contextually relevant solutions.

The process will support the characterization of the role that women in the Dagaa value chain in the target areas play and establish the gaps that need to be addressed to enhance their gainful participation in some of the activities. The value chain analysis will focus on identifying where value is lost in the Dagaa value chain in the target areas.

The value chain analysis will include but not limited to;

  • Identify small scale women groups in the Dagaa value chain in selected sites. Establish whether they are legally constituted and registered and whether the women are involved full time or part time. Whether the groups have village saving and loans fund.
  • Mapping the fish value chain in the target areas, including identifying key service providers, activities, and infrastructure involved in fish production, processing, marketing, and distribution.
  • Analyzing the division of labor, decision-making processes, access to resources, and control over benefits within the fish value chain, with a specific focus on gender disparities.
  • Identifying existing gender-based constraints and opportunities within the fish value chain, including access to finance, technology, markets, and extension services.

4.0 Deliverables

  • An Inception report, detailing an in-depth work plan, data collection tools and stakeholder engagement plan including timelines.
  • The Value chain analysis and mapping study report including findings, key recommendations, and gender-sensitive indicators.
  • List of service providers and stakeholder of the Dagaa value chain in the target study areas.
  • List of Institutions and contact person(s), small-holder Dagaa workers and traders interviewed, key informant interviews, focus group discussion participants and all actors including those outside the project focus area.
  • Eligibility Criteria

This Request for Proposal is open to legally constituted firms or individual expert consultants who can provide the stipulated services. To be eligible, the consultant must have high quality and demonstrable local experience and relevant educational background, strong understanding and experience in the fishing sector.

6.0 Duration and Time lines of the assignment

The assignment shall be conducted between the month of July-August 2024 and a final report to be submitted by 9th of August, 2024.

7.0 Proposals

TAWFA invites Interested consultant(s) or firms to submit detailed documents as outlined below;

  • Letter of expression of interest including an executive summary of a maximum of 2 pages of skills and competencies.
  • A technical proposal including Methodology, a proposed work plan and financial proposal (including timelines).
  • Detailed profiles and CVs (max. 4 pages).

Submissions should be made via email to:

The closing date for receiving both the Technical and Financial proposals is on 21st July 2024.

Only short-listed consultants will be contacted.


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