
ITT/ Provision of Medical Insurance Services to JRS Staff et their dependents

Job Expired

Invitation to Tender (ITT)

for The Provision of Medical Insurance Services to JRS Staff and Its Dependents

ISSUED BY: Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS),

Open Tender No.: JRS/TZA04/01/2024


SECTION 1: Purpose of the call –About JRS, Tanzania

SECTION 2: Proposed timelines

SECTION 3: Overview of requirements

SECTION 4: Terms of the Procurement

SECTION 5: Evaluation process

SECTION 6: Response format

APPENDIX 1 Company Details

APPENDIX 2 Financial offer

 Overview and scope of Work

JRS invites prospective suppliers to submit tenders for the provision of medical insurance services to JRS staff and its dependents. The scope of the tender is as follows:

  • Number of staffs to be covered: 13
  • Number of staff dependents to be covered: 20
  • Period for the medical insurance: 9 months from April to December 2024, renewable for 2025.
  1. Participation and Origin

Participation in tendering is open to all legal persons participating either individually or in a grouping (consortium), Tanzanian companies regularly registered in the Tanzanian Commercial register or any supplier capable of providing the requested service. Companies can only participate if they demonstrate that they:

  • Are legally and financially autonomous
  • Operate according to the principles of commercial law
  • They have capacity and reputable background
  1. Submission of bids

Each offer, drafted in English, including all documents specified in administrative section of these instructions and marked “REQUEST FOR TENDER FOR THE PROVISION OF MEDICAL INSURANCE SERVICES TO JRS STAFF AND ITS DEPENDENTS IN KIGOMA REGION” should be submitted before the deadline specified in No. 3 above to,

  1. Administrative criteria

All bidders must comply with local legislation. The following documents are required:

  • Medical proposal for the coverage of the services, indicating the different level of services and the cost for each of the levels during 9 months. Clear specifications of the coverage in each level shall be included.
  • The copy of the Commercial/Business Registration;
  • The copy of Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  • Tax Clearance Certificate issued by the TRA
  • Current Business Licence.


  1. Pre-financing and payment

The supplier or contractor will be required to provide the required vehicle and payment will be made by cheque after its delivery to the JRS. No prior/Advance payments will be paid to the bidder.

  1. Delivery

The vehicle will be delivered to JRS Office in Dar es salaam.

  1. Opening of the folds

The opening of administrative documents and technical offers will be done at the JRS Kibondo field Office, on 11th March 2024 from 9:00 AM by a jury and only the grantee will be notified.

  1. Period of Execution

The deadline for the start of execution is 1st April 2024. Nevertheless, dates may change depending on the urgent need that will be felt.

  1. JRS right to accept a bid and reject one or all submissions

JRS will reserve the right to accept or reject any submission, and to cancel the bidding process or to reject all bids at any time prior to award of Contract, without incurring in any liability towards the tenderer(s) rejected and without having the obligation to inform the tenderer(s) of the reasons for his decision.

  1. Elimination Criteria

In addition to criteria 4 and 5, the files will be rejected if they do not meet the specified evaluation criteria.

  1. Technical Criteria

The criteria below will be used to evaluate bids.

  • The cost of services
  • The reputation of the contractor
  • The time of delivery
  • Ability to provide service
  • The location of the contractor
  • The validity of documents attached
  1. Selection Method

The bidder will be chosen by a tender committee as per JRS procedure, terms and conditions. The tender committee will undertake the analysis at three levels:

  1. Administrative: The companies are legally registered and in compliance with tax regulations
  2. Technical: The companies are technically capacitated to provide the needed services and have the required experience in providing these services to INGOs.
  3. Financial: The companies offer a financial proposal according to the staff and dependents coverage needed by JRS and its budget.

After all the Above analysis the bidder will be selected by the method of selecting the “best bidder” or the lowest acceptable bid. That is, the offer that has the lowest cost for the acceptable specifications in accordance with the tender notice.

  1. Period of validity of tenders

Bidders remain committed to their bid for two weeks from the deadline for submission of bids.

  1. Request for additional information

In case the applicant wants to obtain further information, he shall write an email to the email: by copying:

  1. Bribery or fraudulent practices

JRS will reject a proposal for award if it is proven that the proposed contractor is guilty of bribery or has engaged in fraudulent practices for the awarding of this contract.




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